Monday, January 13, 2014

I am in Nederland!!!

Hello Family and Friends-
Well this has been the longest/craziest week of my entire life! I seriously feel like I have been around the world and back with transfers. And I have to say that after doing one whole crazy transfer I would be find with only having one more city and doing the move only once more. haha It is quite the day! It was really hard to leave Gent and to say goodbye to all those people down there that I grew so close to and love so much. I was feeling really homesick the first few days, but not for home, for Gent. I packed and then went and visited investigators non-stop for about 2 full days before I left. Packing was quite the adventure since anyone who knows me well knows that not only am I absolutely terrible at it but I hate it with a passion! Elder Hansen was my life savor and ended up giving me one of his suitcases/bags that he has used his whole mission. Apparently he found it somewhere in Amsterdam and didnt want it anymore. He also gave me his bike and her name is Amber and she is a complete champ. Turns out, Courtney Moses one of my friends I met before my mission who served here as well, rode the same bike her whole mission. I believe i am the 4th missionary to use it so its kind of like a legend in the mission. It is definately a little rusty and I have to buy a new seat for it eventually I think but I will be fighting for that to stay in good condition my whole mission. Apeldoorn is so beautiful! I have been in a little bit of a culture shock this whole week. Even though Belgium and the Netherlands are close together you really realize how much of a different country they are after you live in one and then move to the other. Netherlands is SOO different. I am trying to get used to the hard core Dutch, and I have to say, I really miss my Vlaams. Dutch is a lot more harsh but you can also understand absolutely everything that is being sad which is really nice. Everyone here makes fun of me because I have the Vlaams accent and I always say Vlaams words. Haha I am proud to be a Belgian though! The ward here is alot bigger than the one in Gent. I think they have about 140 active members coming to church every week. And they actually meet in a church building in Apeldoorn which is super cool. As the sister missionaries here, we are working with the 7 young women we have right now alot. We are preparing a "Mini MTC" experience for the girls in about two weeks and also visiting them all at least once a week. Me and my new companion, Zuster Israelson, have set some really high, amazing goals for these next two transfers before she goes home. I am really excited to see everything start taking action and seeing this city start on fire!
We are working with 4 elders in the same city and it is an absolute blast! We see them almost every single day and we are all on the same pages with the same goals so we are ready to see miracles happen! They also have lots of YSA here in Apeldoorn/Deventer ( My area actually covers Deventer as well which is about an 10 minute train ride from Apeldoorn) so we go to FHE and Instituut every week and it is a blast! Biking has been the craziest thing I have ever done. The first three days I seriously thought my legs were going to fall off because I was sooo sore. Haha I am so out of shape. It is also really starting to turn winter and It is SOOOO stinking cold. I am really missing the dry winter cold in Utah right now, so everyone, count your many blessings. This kind of cold cuts straight into your bones and It is not the most pleasant thing in the world. I am super excited to be here and meet the people I am supposed to meet and teach. I already love this ward and all the new people I am working with! This gospel is true and I wouldnt want to be anywhere else than here sharing it with these people. I love you all and thank you for your support and prayers! I will be sending more pictures next week!
Love, Zuster Brophy

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