Monday, June 16, 2014

"Chillin in our Crib...and making lots of Banana Bread."

Hello Friends and Family!!
What a fantastic week over here in Rotterdam!! I feel like so many things happened that I dont even know how I would even begin to tell you all everything. First, I am glad that all the family made it safe and sound back home from Costa Rica. Still super jealous but so glad you all had fun!
So first I hit my year mark!!!! What?! Me and Zuster Kohlert just couldnt believe it the whole time. We woke up on the 12th and made panacakes, bacon, and eggs. And then by the end of the day we had a lesson with one of our investigators that definately makes my top 5 best lessons on my mission. It was a perfect day and a great way to celebrate! Her name is Iris and when we got here about a month ago she had a baptismal date for June 14th. But due to both of the sisters leaving at the same time, she actually had a really tough time with that and we had a hard time meeting with her for the whole transfer up until just about 2 weeks ago. She told us that she kind of just wanted to take it easy and then maybe pick a baptismal date again in the future. So we kind of didnt know what to do but figured, ok we will just be patient and the lord will take care of the rest. So the morning of our lesson with her, we picked the date of August 16th for her next baptismal date and decided that we would bring up Baptism if the spirit was right. So we get there with our joint teach, Zuster Verhoeven, and we start reading in Jacob chapter 4, which talks alot about prophets and the Holy Ghost. Somehow Baptism came into the conversation and we were talking about how it really is like a new beginning and a new spiritual life and how you can have the knowledge of your past because its important to still have that knowledge so you can learn from it, but the guilty feelings and the pain of those experiences can be gone through Jesus Christ. And Iris said "I just need someone to pull me into it. I just am too scared to do it and Its too hard with my son (she is a single mother) and I just dont know what to do." And our joint teach goes, Ïf you really want will do it and everything will be ok. Even if you cant see that step in front of you and its scary." and all of a sudden you could just see the light in her eyes, like she was that really does make sense and I DO want it. And thinking back on my past when ive had to take that step in the darkness when I chose to go to Weber State instead of going to UVU when I didnt know why, and when I decided to go on a mission. It was all super super scary and I was totally taking a leap of faith but I can see now how everything works out and the lord takes care of you no matter what.  So I was able to tell her a little bit about that and testify. So Zuster Kohlert asked her if August 16th would be a good day for her to be baptized and suprisingly (not really) that weekend her son is with his dad and she has time to take the time for herself and it was perfect for her!! It was so cool! Such a great way to celebrate my year mark!
We also had zone conference this past Saturday and had the opppurtunity to listen to President Boom of the area 70. He was SOOO good. One of the best zone conferences I have been to on my whole mission. The spirit was so strong the entire day and I took like 6 pages of notes. We were also with the zones Apeldoorn and Eindhoven so I was able to see lots of my good friends and lots of my old companions! Such a great week. This gospel is true!! I see it every single day in the small and big things. I love Rotterdam, I love my companion, love missionary work and basically just love life. I love and miss all of you!! Have a great week!
Love, Zuster Brophy

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