Monday, July 7, 2014

Emotional Roller Coaster of a Lifetime!

Hello Friends and Family-
SOOO many miracles to tell! First, we are now allowed to watch the World Cup games since Nederland is in the Semi-Finals. And if they win that and go to the Finals then we get to watch that game next Sunday!! Our president is just so awesome. He just randomly called the asssistants one morning and said "You guys should probably let all the missionaries know they are allowed to watch the games now." Haha so we are going to be at a members house for the 10pm game on Wednesday aganist Argentina so everybody, pray that they win and keep going! All of the Dutch people are freaking out.
Second Miracle....Chanel, the 16 year old girl from last week, is getting BAPTIZED!!! On July 19th!! We had our appointment with her Monday night and it was one of the coolest lessons I have ever given. She literally asked to be baptized and planned to come to church with her mom on Sunday all before we said the opening prayer! Her mom came in a little later and we realized that she couldnt speak Dutch or English, so we asked Chanel what language she speaks and she goes Öh we are actually gypsys" Haha how awesome is that? So apparently she only speaks some crazy language that they made up and Chanel had to translate every time she wanted to say something. But what was amazing is that through the whole lesson her mom wasnt understanding alot but every once in a while she would just say "These people are really good people. They were supposed to be here and meet us." And usually by the end of the lesson you invite your investigator to read the Book of Mormon and pray about it but not with Chanel. At the end she grabs the Book of Mormon and says Ï am going to read this book and pray about it and I know I will get an answer because I can feel the love of God." Like I seriously thought I was dreaming. It was the coolest thing ever. And then her mom all of a sudden interupts us and starts saying something to Chanel. And she turns to us and says Öh my goodness, she says that she has seen you (pointing to me) somewhere and has talked to you but she just cant remember where, but she knows that she knows you." And immediately I had the strongest impression and I knew without a doubt that I had met and spoken with her in the Pre-mortal life! Its as if, that whole memory just came flooding back into my head. She started crying, I started crying and we just had a really good moment! One of the most unforgettable experiences I have ever had. Her mom also wants to be baptized, we are not sure when yet but she will be one day very soon! We were able to meet with Chanel three times this week and trying to get her ready for baptism. We are SOOO excited! She will be baptized with two other little girls who are now just our best friends, Serenity and Usha. They are 8 and 11 and we have been teaching them all the lessons and they are so excited for their baptism too. I would say...Life is good :)
I hope everyone enjoyed their 4th of July! We were able to go to a members house and she had decorations and made delicious food and we all wore red, white, and blue. Me and Zuster Kohlert threw a BBQ for our whole zone this past Saturday night in celebration of America and it went really well! We have interviews this coming week with President and Zuster Robinson and I am super excited. We are super super busy with lots of investigators and we are teaching alot! Love missionary work! It is super super hot and humid and the mosquitos (spelling?) love our blood with a passion. We gave up trying to sleep upstairs because it was way too hot and pulled our mattresses downstairs, stacked our mouse infested couchs on top of each other, and have been sleeping on the floor. Haha its great fun! I love you all and miss you!! You are the best and have a great week!
Love, Zuster Brophy

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