Monday, December 30, 2013

Happy 2014 NEW YEAR!!! :)

Hello Family and Friends-
What a fantastic Christmas I had as a missionary! I loved every single second of it. There is truly nothing like it! Thank you for all the Christmas Wishes and emails. They made my whole week!
Well to start off for Christmas Eve we went to our branch presidents house and had a delicious meal and they bought us both a gift which was this amazing Dove soap and we sang Chrismtas songs and read lots of stories. Then after that me and Zr Meier went home and opened up our Christmas Eve pajamas and moved our mattresses out to the family room and slept by the tree! It wasa blast! It really felt like Christmas still in a weird way. Then Christmas day we got up and made ourselves some good breakfast and we opened up all of our gifts together! I LOVED everything so much, so thank you thank you! We got some Book of Mormons and tied bows around them and then went outside and just talked to people on the street and handed them out. It was so cool to see different people and hear there stories on Christmas day. Us and the Elders decided to go caroling before going to the Geens and we only got to one door and we tried to sing "O come all ye faithful" and were TERRIBLE. haha I have never sang with more tone deaf elders in my entire life. But we all laughed and it was great. That night we were able to skype our families which was amazing! I loved every second of it. Everyone has been asking me if i was homesick after. It definately is one of the weirdest feelings I have ever had thus far. I was a little trunky and it took me about 2 days to get back into my "missionary grove". All of our mottos after the skype calls is to just forget about it and kind of block it from your memory. haha as bad as that sounds. Either way it was so worth it and so fun!
The rest of the week was just busy as normal and full of missionary work. Really cool story- we met this 25 year old girl named Greet and she is sooo sweet and nice. We went by and gave her a Book of Mormon and she said she would read in it. I am so excited to see where she will go and how she will progress! We have been doing lots of finding lately and we have this goal in Gent now to give away 10000 pass along cards in 3 months. So that means that each companionship has to give away about 50 per day. So we are trying to go strong with that and get as many people to come to church as possible who want to. We have lots of appointments this next week and I am super excited! For New Years we have to be inside 3pm and I think I am going to go absolutely crazy. That is the longest I have ever been inside for 6 months. haha But we bought silly strings and noise makers today and we are just going to partay it up! I love you all and miss you all dearly! Thank you for your sweet prayers and support! It means the world! Happy 2014 New year!!!
Love, Zuster Brophy

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