Monday, April 7, 2014


Hello Friends and Family-
Wow this week was a whirlwind to say the least. Mixed with lots and lots of eating appointments to transfers on Wednesday, saying goodbye to Zuster Izzy, and saying hello to sweet Zuster Jones, General Conference weekend, and teaching a few lessons on top of that...I would say I am ready for a good nap. :) I also tried Herring this past Monday....oh my WEIRD. It was definately not disgusting...but definately not good. The texture was the only thing that really got me good. But- cross that one off my bucket list! I am loving my new companion!! She is such a sweetheart and we have figured out that we are basically the same person. We like the same things and we are about two weeks apart to the date. So far the past 5 days have been pure bliss so I am super super excited for this transfer and what it has to bring! We have made some really awesome goals that arent too crazy, but will definately stretch us just a bit :)
Quick shout out to Uncle Jeff, Aunt Caroline, Emily, and Lindsey that have all had birthdays in the past few weeks or will have a birthday this coming week!!! I love and miss you all and have thought about you or will think of you on that day! Sorry I have been a slacker when it comes to birthdays. And also...If I forgot anybody please forgive me.
We have seen so many miracles here in Apeldoorn this past week! Sam is still preparing to be baptized in about three weeks on the 26th of April. He is progressing so great and he was able to watch General Conference this past weekend and thought it was fantastic. We also have an investigator named Indra. She originally comes from Spain but has lived in Holland for years and years and speaks fluent Dutch. We have been teaching her the past few weeks and she just barely got her first little grand baby about a month ago. She has always been one to say "I am not a "go the church type of person" so dont expect me to come visit or anything". But this past week we were able to finish the Plan of Salvation with her and we really tried to emphasize the importance of blessing of Eternal Families and that she too can have that. We got done with the lesson and she goes "So why is everyone so afraid to die? If this is the great plan?" It was so cool to hear someone say that because she had never heard that great plan and she realized how wonderful and amazing it was. By the end of the lesson, I had a feeling that I should just invite her to General Conference anyways...even though I knew she would just say no and she is too busy. She politely said ök ok thats great, but I am too busy and I dont know if that is for me. But I thought, ok well you never know what can happen. later that night, we were at Instiute and our phone starts ringing and I look, and its Indra. So I hurry run into the other room and pick up. And she says "hey I have been thinking alot about you guys and what you shared with me this afternoon, and actually...I really WANT to come to church. What time is it on Sunday?" I was SSOO happy!! I dont think I had smiled that big in awhile! haha So she is planning on coming this next week and I am so excited. The lord is truly hastening this work and I am just so lucky to be here experiencing it and watching it all happen. Everyone has their own time and their own way to come to this gospel and our Heavenly Father knows his children really really well. This upcoming week we are planning on teaching lots and also going out and finding new people to teach that are interested and ready to hear this amazing gospel. I know this gospel is true! I feel it and see it every single day. It was such a priviledge to hear from our amazing prophets and apostles this past weekend- I hope you all had the chance to listen and if not, make time this week. I love you all and miss you all a whole lot. Thank you for the prayers and support!
Love, Zuster Brophy

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