Tuesday, October 8, 2013

I love my Mission!! And General Conference!!

Hello Friends and Family-
This week has been such a great one! Holy cow I am just amazed at what this gospel and everything does for us! General Conferece was SOO good and I literally just want to watch it over and over and over again! I hope all of you got the chance to watch it. :)
So this past week was so busy and crazy! So I went on Exchanges with Zuster Kohlhert in Antwerpen this past week and we had soo much fun. There is only 6 sisters in the whole country of Belgium for my mission, so when we do exchanges we usually are all together and end up going and doing something fun. It was Zuster Israelsons "year mark" so we went to Antwerpen Centraal and got some Chocolade Melk. (Idk what it is about the chocolate milk over here, but it is SOOO much better than the ones in the states.) I also had the chance to have some spanish lessons in Antwerpen from a member of the ward and so that was fun. Might as well just keep adding to the list of languages I know right? Dutch, Flemish, French, English, and now Spanish. Haha
Ena is still progressing beautifully! She is inviting her family and her huband and friends to church which is referrals for us so we are super happy about that. She is so strong and ready to get baptized!! I cant wait for that day. We went and got some yummy ice cream with her and her two kids for lunch one day and it was such a blast. We also found a new investigator, Cory this past Saturday. We found her door knocking right outside the centrum of Ghent. She smokes, is alone, and basically just has no self worth for herself. She apparently had a son, who is now 26 years old, but has no contact with any of her family or him. She has told us she sees no point and living and doesnt know where to turn now. She really is one of those people that is described in the scriptures as a "lost sheep". But we have seen her every single day so far and have taught her the first section of the first lesson, that god is our loving heavenly father and loves and knows every single one of us. She prayed out loud for the first time and it was SUCH a strong, spiritual experience. I will never ever forget. She started crying and took my hand and just kept saying "thank you thank you". It was so cool! I am so excited to really help her and be there for her and show her what this gospel can do for her in her life. I already love her so much and I barely know her!! Its amazing how that works.
It is still GREAT weather for Belgium right now! It is hardly raining, a little chilly, but still not too bad. There has actually been a couple of days where I took my coat off because it was so hot. I am counting my blessings and hoping it stays like that for awhile longer. I have a feeling winter is just going to come with a big bang though one of these days!
We have temple conference coming up in two weeks and I am SOOO excited to be able to go to the Den Haag Tempel!! I have missed the sweet spirit that comes from the temple so much. I cant wait to tell all of you about it. Get to the temple!! You are all so lucky to live so close to so many. When you go to the temple- you literally go home. There is no truer statement. Make it a pritority! it is the best thing in the world!! Can I just say I absolutely love my mission? No greater feeling comes than that of watching this gospel literally change peoples lives. It is thee best feeling in the world and I am convinced I have the best job ever. I have the greatest mission president who loves and directs this work, along with his sweet wife. I just love them to pieces and am so grateful for everything they do for us. I love this gospel with all my heart and wouldnt want to be doing anything else!! Transfer calls are this upcoming Sunday so we will see if I stay or if I go :)
I love and miss all of you so much!! You are all the best!!
Love, Zuster Brophy

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