Monday, October 28, 2013

Well....I have Tendonitis

Hello Family and Friends-
This past week has been a great one with lots of new and exciting things happening!! I went to the doctor on Monday night and they sent me to get an Ultrasound and an X Ray of my heel, so we had an appointment Tuesday morning. Turns out, I have Tendonitis pretty bad in my right achilles Tendon and it is starting in my left. So that just made the next year of my life alot more interesting! I am just watching it for now and trying to find new boots for the winter but we will see how it all turns out. Apparently, once you get this type of disease it is extremely hard to get rid of so that was kind of a bummer to find out.
We were able to go to the temple this past week in Den Haag and it was SOOO amazing!! I am so bummed that we only get to go visit there every six months, because it seriously is like an addicting feeling because of the spirit you feel there. The whole entire session and all the temple workers were of course speaking all Dutch, so that was such a cool experience. The temple here is SOO tiny as well. I was blown away with the size! We left Tuesday night to travel all the way up to Zoetemeer which is about a 4 hour train ride from Gent and stayed over night and then traveled all the way back down after the session. It was so fun to see all the different missionaries as well since they combined 3 zones into one day and the other 3 in another day.
We set another baptismal date for November 9th!!! With a man named Didier, he is Belgian and probably in his late forties or so. We taught him the first lesson and we asked him what he thought about church and everything so far and he said, "it just feels very natural" which I thought described the feeling of the spirit and everything we do perfectly! When he said the prayer at the end of the lesson the spirit was SO strong and I just couldnt stop smiling. So that makes for 3 total on the 9th so we are soo excited about that. Ena is still doing very well! She comes to church every week  and is really excited about her baptism as well. I think she is exactly what this branch needs here in Belgium. She is so friendly and willing to do anything to help others. Her husband also said that he wants to come to church with her one time so that was really exciting as well! Nikole is still progressing great as well. Her only issue is church attendance because she has to babysit her grandchildren on Sundays alot so we are trying to work with that. But she is so loving and I just love it whenever I am around her. Other than that, we are doing lots of door knocking every day trying to find more and more people to teach. I love love love talking to people at doors and seeing all the different reactions we get when we say things. haha it is very fun and entertaining sometimes. I love and miss you all and thank you so much for the support and prayers. I need all I can get! I love this work so much and I wouldnt want to be anywhere else. Looking back on even the day I entered the MTC to now, I can see such a difference and the list of the things I have learned is SO long. I love this gospel with all my heart and I know it is true!! Missions are the best!! I love you all!
Love, Zuster Brophy

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