Monday, March 24, 2014

Well...I accidentally dyed my hair black. :)

Hello Friends and Family-
Wow what a busy week we have had! I decided that it really isnt fair anymore. Because the busier you get and the more you adjust to missionary life and everything, the faster the time goes! I feel like you would want it to be the opposite. We were able to do alot of service work this week with presentations and making pancakes for the ward and a bunch of other things. We were only able to go finding one time for an hour this week...thats how busy we were!
So yes...I might have dyed my hair black. Its kind of a long story but basically the first time didnt really go so well so I had this fantastic idea to just dye it again in the same day. That wasnt such a good idea. But the good news is after washing it alot and trying to make it look a little bit more like the brown I wanted, its finally getting there :) Unfortunatley I wont be sending home pictures this week but I will next week so you can all see.
So we had an amazing experience this week!! Our investigator, Sam, is making some amazing progress. He has decided to quit Soccer in order to come to church because he plays on Sundays, and he has been meeting with us 3x per week and coming to Instituut and JAVO's every single week. He was planning on coming to Church yesterday but then the morning of he had an Epilepsy attack (He has a really severe type of Epislepsy). So he ended up not making it so we decided to make a last minute appointment with him to go over and teach him the last half of The Plan of Salvation since one of our appointments had canceled for the day. We go over there with two joint teaches, Melvin and Jason, who are both YSA's in this ward and are awesome!! They come on joint teach with us multiple times during the week. And we teach the last half of The Plan of Salvation and start talking about how you can do temple work for family members and other people who have passed away and the power of the priesthood, since he just lost his uncle and that was super hard for him. And we had asked our joint teach to share his testimony about the Priesthood and what it means for him. While he was talking I got such a strong prompting/thought in my head that literally said "tell him about Priesthood Blessings". It was one of those things that I just couldnt ignore no matter what I did. So right when our joint teach got done talking I quickly spoke up and said "Hey there is this thing...." and my companion looks at me and goes äre you kidding me?!? And thats when we realized that we had literally had the EXACT same prompting at the EXACT same time and we were both about to say the EXACT same thing. I dont know about you folks...but that is the definition of companionship unity. :) It was SOOOO cool. So he ended up getting a priesthood blessing from our joint teach and it was so powerful. Sam said that he felt some sort of "power"enter the room right when Jason put his hands on his head, which we were able to explain that that was the spirit. I am so grateful for the chance I had to be apart of such an amazing experience! Me and my companion are having such a great time out here in Apeldoorn together and I am going to be really sad to see her leave next week. In the past two transfers we have seen so many amazing miracles and worked so hard together and seen success. We get transfer calls AGAIN (this transfer didnt even happen I swear) this upcoming Sunday so I will find out who my next companion will be and I am super excited. I am having the time of my life out here and I LOVE it. This gospel is true. I know it with my whole entire being!! Its been so cool to come out on a mission with a testimony, but then through the hard times, the good times, and all of these cool amazing experiences I feel like I have almost seen it come to life and figured out what it really means to me. I see it change people every single day, and I see the power of god working through me to influence other peoples lives here in the Netherlands. It is the best job in the world :) I love you all and miss you dearly!! Tot volgende week! Doui!
Love, Zuster Brophy

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