Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Well folks.....Time for the next season.

Hello Family and Friends-

TRANSFERS. Are great. And also very very sad. We got the phone call last night and it turns out I will be staying in Capelle/Rotterdam for my 4th with Zuster Greenwell and Zuster Kohlert is headed over to Utrecht with Zuster Verdegem and Zuster Wood. MAN. How I am going to miss her sooo much!! BUT, the lord is awesome. And Im pretty sure our mission president really thought this one through knowing that we would die if we didnt see each other. Because it is seriously the best situation we could have asked for. We are still in the same zone so we will see each other for zone training in a week, temple conference in 4 weeks, and she is the sister training leaders companion so we will be going on exchanges as well!! How awesome is that!!?? We were very happy. And I am really excited for Zuster Greenwell to be my comp. We stayed in the same room in the MTC so I already know her pretty well and she is a total sweetheart so it should be fun. This also means I will be doing a 6 week wonder in a random city for my last transfer! WOO! That should be interesting and fun. Overall, I am glad to be staying in Rotterdam. I love this city and these people, and Ill be honest.....6 months/4 transfers in a city is the bomb. 

We got to hear and listen to Elder Ballard this past Thursday and it was SOOOOOO great. We all got to shake his hand and talk to him personally along with two members of the Seventy. It was such a great day and I didnt wash my hands for at least three days. Joke. Haha he gave some really great counsel for our mission and for about 30 minutes we just got to ask him all different kinds of questions about our work and how he could help us and he gave some really great advice. That man speaks with the SPIRIT. The second he walked into the room you could literally just feel the change in the atmosphere and it was such a good experience. When he bore his testimony, you could just feel the truth from his words. I have NO DOUBT that man has the keys of the priesthood and helps lead this church today! It was such a great experience I will never forget. It was also really great to see the whole entire mission at one time! There were just so many people to talk to, I didnt even know where to start. We were all soo socaily exhausted by the end of the day. Then we went on exchanges, Zuster Anjewierden and me went back to Capelle and Zuster Kohlert and Zuster Verdegem went to Utrecht. Long story short,  we got a text from Utrecht Friday morning saying that Zuster Verdegem was in the Hospital because she woke up with a numb left arm, after already having heart problems before this, so we rush to Utrecht and end up sitting in the hospital with her the WHOLE DAY while they just pricked and poked her with needles to figure out what was going on. One of the most exhausting days ever! Me and Kohlert ended up staying in Utrecht that night. I hadnt brought any pjs with me so I slept in my clothes. haha pretty hilarious. So that made for a really interesting weekend. She is doing lots better now btw, just a little scary. 

This week we are crazy busy with appointments. Iris is in the process of picking a new baptismal date and now that I know I am staying here in Rotterdam, I have decided that me and Zuster Greenwell are just going to BLOW UP this place and find some new people to teach. That is all we will be doing for the next few weeks, is finding. I love this ward, I cant wait for zone training next week, I cant wait for General Conference in a few weeks. I love and miss you all and cant wait to see your beautiful faces soon! Thanks for all the prayers and support! 

Love, Zuster Brophy

 Me, Zuster Djoukeng, and Zuster Morris
 My MTC them!
 All of the missionaries in our mission from DAVIS! Go DHS!
Me, Elder Muse, and Elder Alston

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