Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Missionary work. So great.

Hello Family and Friends-

Capelle aan den Ijssel is such a blesssed city. Holy cow we are just seeing sooo many miracles left and right and it is amazing! Me and Zuster Greenwell are having an absolute blast. This past weekend we had a Relief Society Activity and Iris was able to come together with some members. Then we had a great baptism for a man name Jan-Willem. He has been investigating the church for over 2 years now and was finally baptized on Saturday night. I had asked Iris the night before if she wanted to come and she said Nahhh I am really tired and I need some time for myself, but I will come to church on Sunday for sure. So I just let it go, feeling like I shouldnt push it or anything. Then Saturday morning we get a text from her and she says Hey I slept really well and I am coming to the baptism tonight! AHHH we were so happy. It was really cool to see HER take the initiative and come on her own. She loved it and really felt the spirit and it was a great night! Then she also came to church on Sunday. SO 3 days in a row in the church. I was just so proud of her! I also was able to go on an exchange this last week from Wednesday to Thursday with Zuster Kohlert!! Much needed. It was as if we had just been on a week long exchange and then came back together. It was actually pretty confusing. haha but super fun to work with her again in Capelle. While we were on exchanges we were out contacting on the street and saw this man walking his dog. When I first saw him I remember thinking...you should probably stop him and talk to him, he looks nice...so we stop him (turns out Kohlert had the same impression to stop) and start talking to him about the Book of Mormon. He had heard and seen us before and had always wondered what we did, so we were able to get his name, address, and phone number and he told us we could definately stop by sometime. GOLDEN CONTACT. So we call him up on Saturday night and make an appointment with him for Sunday night. We called Zuster Wilkins, a member, and she came with us on joint teach. Cooolest lesson ever!! We taught the Restoration, bore our testimonies, and shared personal experiences. And one of the best things was....he listened. That is such an important part and one of the first things I always notice about people. If they listen, they have an open heart and are more willing to accept your message. We extended the baptismal invitation and he said YES! SOOO great. He is definately a prepared person that we needed to talk to. 

We had a really good zone training this past week. Lots of good tips and things to remember about how to teach really good lessons. Our zone leaders and sister training leader are so inspired. We found out that we are having a Zusters conference at the mission home in a few weeks with all the sisters in the mission. HALLELUJAH. I finally get to see the mission home before the end of my mission. We also have temple conference coming up on the 14th of October and I am so excited to go one last time. Lots of great things are happening and I am just so grateful to be out here right now. I love Nederland and the people here and wouldnt want to be anywhere else! Thanks for all the prayers and support! I love and miss you all! 

Me and Kohlert..it was cold!
 Having fun with the girls :)

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